Just finished up the entire As the World Dies trilogy by Rhiannon Frater. I am not going to post reviews but links to an outstanding reviews of the books that Bryan (Vampifan) has already done and I don't think I could say much that he hasn't already stated in his reviews.
The First Days Review
Fighting to Survive Review
Seige Review
Now Rhiannon also has two more As the World Dies books out with a third one on the way, they are the Untold Tales. These two books (Untold Tales 1 and Untold Tales 2) provide some background other characters in the books. I won't really be reviewing the Untold Tales since a review of some of the tales in them will give away too much.
Untold Tales 1 Starts of during "Day 1" and reveals how Lydia (Katie's wife) met her end as one of the living, this all takes place before book 1: The First Days starts. Next we meet Monica, Jaun's cousin, find out what happened to her before she arrived at the Fort. Both Monica and Lydia's stories are short, only a handful of pages long. Finally the bulk if Untold Tales 1 is Eric's story and how he met Stacy and arrived at the Fort. This book is a great companion to the As the World Dies trilogy, letting us know about some of the other important Survivors (or in Lydia's case, a major characters loved one), and some of the struggles they had to endure before reaching the Fort.
Untold Tales 2 starts off with Katrina's story, then The Unknown's Story, a story about a family that didn't survive to make it to the Fort. Finally we have the story of Ken and Lenore's struggles on thier way to the Fort. I haven't read thsi book yet, just finished Untold Tales 1, and if its anything like the Trilogy and Untold Tales 1 it is a must have for the As the World Dies collection.
Untold Tales 3 hasn't been released yet but from what I have been able to gather it will tell us Rune the Bikers story, Senator
I also currently have cued up to read Last Bastion of the Living and
The Living Dead Boy and the Zombie Hunters (this is actually a young adult novel by Rhiannon), along with some of the other Zombie books I have downloaded through Amazon.
I also have for the As The World Dies trilogy and Untold Tales 1 and Last Bastion of the Living signed kindlegraphs. A Kindlegraph is basically the way the author can sign a digital copy of thier books, It is a pdf file of the books inside title page with the authors signature and any personalization they may include. I opted for the basic personalization and didnt request anything special.
Well I am off to start As the World Dies Untold Tales 2.
Edit 2APRIL2013- Finished Untold Tales 2 and it was a perfect companion to the As the World Dies Trilogy. Am putting Living Dead Boy the Young Adult book by Rhiannon Frateron hold in order to read a non-zombie book series that I have heard great things about, and has a pretty good TV series based on the series, the Song of Ice and Fire series (aka the Game of Thrones series) by George R. R. Martin. Bought a bundle with all 5 (currently released) books for the Kindle. So far I am about 6 chapters into The Game of Thrones (Book 1) and it is pretty good. Will probably be reading the Song of Ice and Fire series for at least the next month or so, while watching Game of Thrones from the beginning.